♥Thou Reminiscent Reflections♥

Monday, June 30, 2008 @ 5:54 PM

Sorrry, totally couldn't fulfill your b'day wish. I guess I just cant let history repeat itself. Hope you'll move on and do fine without me. Sometimes, I dont really understand what u're trying to do? all the texting and stuff even when everything's over. Sigh Guess I've learnt some valuable lessons. For nowwwww, there's someone sweet, very sweettttttt :D heh. <3

Haven't been updating for awhile now, starting to get tired alr, haha. Anyway in school now, supposedly to be studying with liankiat & meiyi but kinda tired and LK's eating so I'll blog first. Had java ut just now, its a bitchhhhh! I wonder how I'll fare, although I still dont really know how to apply it but well, at least I read thru the 6p's yesterday. So hopefully my grade won't be too bad. B+ or C+ I'm kinda glad alr :D

Anyway, caught Get smart yst (: nice and humourous show, go catch it! I'll rate it 3/5 :D

Maxwell Smart (Steve Carell) is on a mission to thwart the latest plot for world domination by the evil crime syndicate known as KAOS. When the headquarters of U.S. spy agency Control is attacked and the identities of its agents compromised, the Chief (Alan Arkin) has no choice but to promote his ever-eager analyst Maxwell Smart, who has always dreamt of working in the field alongside stalwart superstar Agent 23 (Dwayne Johnson). Smart is partnered instead with the lovely-but-lethal veteran Agent 99 (Anne Hathaway). Given little field experience and even less time, Smart—armed with nothing but a few spy-tech gadgets and his unbridled enthusiasm—must thwart the doomsday plans of KAOS head Siegfried (Terance Stamp).

YES! I'm so proud of myself, I studied java yst, like managed to really sit down thru and read from problems 4 to 9 and understanding it. Went to spinelli's outside heeren with LK to study. haha and I may be dead, I really dont know cos there was this so called "Kind-hearted" man who was around his late 20's who kept wilingly wanting to help me share the power sockets and setting up of a wireless account. So I had to create an acct with his help on his laptop and I typed everything like my personal info such as address, email add and hp number on his laptop and it was being saved! Gosh! I really pray that he doesnt tries to do anything okay. :S LK even said he kept turning behind to look at us. dead! so dead!

Anyway, yesterday night was one of my worst nights ever, I went to bed at 1130 & only got to fell asleep at 2am, Gosh! i tossed & turned, played music, deleted messages till 1230 & I gave up. Went to call syb & we chatted for a little while till almost 115 and I continued tossing and turning till 2, finally slept. Cool thing is I woke up at 6am without even using any efforts :D Met isaac to go to school!

okay! Got a new top and a new bag $100 paid by mummy :D Love her totally, but gotta admit sometimes she's sooooo @#@$#$#%$%$&^* indescribable LOL. What apparently happened was that I stayed over at Issac's on Friday and I didnt call home so the next morning, I just message my dad saying sorry and stuff & that I fell asleep at my friend's place and Whoa! they were esp daddy was realy angry and asked me to stop giving excuses. Oh well! But on the same night they brought me to a japanese restaurant at clarke quay for dinner and I would say it was really quite an Expensive dinner and they were'nt even angry anymore. Adding on, mum bought those stuff for me! I really didnt quite get it? O_o But who cares? they're damn nice to me, so that's very good and cool! haha even chatted with them abt some stuff like me having a boyfriend, hahaha but I can never hold a conversation longer than 15mins with them cos I'll get damn bored with their 'EVER SO COOL' advices. haha.

Alright, I shall blog till here, really sleepy, shall study for a little while before I head home. Goodbye world :D lovelove!

Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 @ 11:26 PM

Pardon my retarded post previously in the afternoon, I had sinus coming back and I couldnt work with my teamates :( Except for mel which I love alot, thanks girl for sharing the slides with me (: so yea blogged some rubbish. But I still feel something amiss these few days, so thus the emotions. I cant figure it out. If you know, tell me (:

1128pm, I've got like 2 mins to blog supposedly. I told ting I'm gonna sleep at 11 and then I dragged on and on. LOL haha I wonder when can I ever fulfill my wish of sleeping around 10ish? haha Never I guess! unless I'm really so sleepy.

Anyway, back from tuition today and I caught 'JUST FOR LAUGHS' on the bus. For the first time ever after tuition, I didnt sleep on the bus. haha and yea I just love that show on Tv mobile, its soooo retardedly funny where they come out with stupid plans to trick people. HAHA But I love it :D

Oh anyway 1.5hrs of tuition was changed to 1hr only just now cos my kid was vommiting. Poor little kid of mine :( I think she ate the wrong food though! so yea back home early.

Anyway, recently met Marie! Isaac's bestfriend. She's really awesome, Cool to hang out with her! haha Well, anyway I feel really sad for the both of them. Why on earth are there such retarded people? hmmm talk about trust! oh well, its not for me to judge anything though. Just hope you 2 hang in there (:

OH! and just some thinking going through my brain, its really sad when you're friends, good friends and when you dont feel the same for the other party, the friendship is then ruined, or rather isnt the same anymore. Why can't people be more mature as to not lose the friendship? It happened before and just hope history doesnt repeats itself. And I'm like thinking and thinking abt stuff, But I'd rather not. Whatever! okay nevermind.

Goodnight people, love ya (:

Hugs and Kisses, ♥

@ 1:41 PM

I think school really sucks :( I need a life man, I feeeeling so lethargic and just weird. Random post. Gosh! How I wish some person would just stab me in the back now.

Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Monday, June 23, 2008 @ 1:30 PM

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
and now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon its again my turn to win some or learn some

I won't hesitate no more,
no more

It cannot wait, I'm yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love
Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me
Ah, la peaceful melodys
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love love

So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and laughed
I guess what I'm saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue

I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
Listen to the music of the moment come and dance with me
ah, la one big family (2nd time: ah, la happy family)
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love love love

I won't hesitate no more
Oh no more no more no more
It's your God-forsaken right to be loved, I'm sure
Theres no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours

No I won't hesitate no more, no more
This cannot wait I'm sure
There's no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours, I'm yours

One of my favourite songs, I'm yours by Jason Mraz (:

E66M, elective class some BBQ! love love.

Anyway, I'm really lazy to blog nowadays :( haha, so I guess my post's gonna get shorter & shorter really soon. LOL oh well! and I'm quite sick of going out alr, so I shall jus head home today after school! And yes, catch some sleep and study for ut 3. Well hopefully I'll do it. Anyway, today school is really cool, cos I finally understand something in Data communications and Networking's module HAHA (: yay! Thus, I'm in a happier mood. But yuikting was kinda emoing, dunno what to do also. So had to leave her alone and she's like alone in the library now. Sigghhhh :( Hey girl, just hope you're alright :D guess everyone have their gloomy days.

Talking abt gloomy days, I had mine on Friday and Isaac's so sweet, he came to meet me and gave me cake, just to cheer me up haha thanks alot! felt better aft that (: And we never seem to watch any cool shows? haha All the sucky UN-SCARY cool shows :( Blah blah blah

Anyway, I'm like obsessed with piercings again esp the NECK PIERCING! OMG! I think I'm gonna pierce it after 13July aft some dance stuff! yay :D it's really damn nice please? And the lip piercing is WOW too but I'm guessing I can never ever do it cos of mummy & daddy :( oh well. I'll just replace it with other piercings haha (:

I shall end here (: takecare people. Love ya!

Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 @ 10:51 PM

Sometimes, I wonder about you and me. Trust issues, what if everything happens all over again?

I promise myself never ever to stay up till 3am in the morning to blog. You will definitely not go to school the next day as you are too tired. That's my mistake, and I feel all apologetic to myself now for missing school :( Also, never ever talk to so many people on msn when you tell yourself you have things to complete, if not your sleeping time will be pushed back HAHA so I'm gonna sleep at 1130pm today!

Anyway so today I woked up at around 1plus and Isaac forced me to go to his house , I was really nice even though it was raining but I agreed how nice of me huhh? Okay maybe it was the bak kwa that really tempted me into going haha, and I had to cab there cos the rain stopped and it decided to come back. Isaac you better treat me nicer. haha We watched kung fu panda on his com. I think that his house have this sleepy aura thing. Cos I never fail to fall asleep at his house whenever we watch films on his laptop. haha And we were debating about shoulders. haha he said I had bony shoulders and it was uncomfy and very hard where as his was all soft and comfy! Crap right? hahahaha Pardon Isaac, he's just weird as he has all these explanations which I do not know come from where. Spent around 3hrs plus there as I had to go for dance which becos of him and his sleepy aura house i was 1h45mins late plus he made me miss the 133 :( thanks to his very good idea of sitting on the floor thing. hahaha But okay you were nice to walk me to the bustop and walk back even though it was raining, for that I forgive you ok (: LOL and thanks for writing finish the song for me. Not bad la, you're quite sweet LOL (: Eh but that song you never used it for other girls huhh? hahahaha okay kidding! haha. And the keychain thing, I have weird thoughts abt you giving it to me based on your explanation haha Dont ask me why okay :D but thanks anyway. Anw do cheer up (: if you really need someone when you're very very bored, look for me. Okay I know I'm very busy and everything but thats if you ARE REALLY VERY BORED AND GOING TO DIE, then i'll make time for you. haha and please stop having negative thoughts abt yourself. you rock the way you already are :D

Anyway so went for dance and we did the steps for history maker. For the first time in my life, I actually think the steps to the song is really nice and different. Becos its always the same so kinda boring. But I enjoyed myself dancing for the first time. I really loved dancing and also miss the Modern dance IG in school. But I guess its the environment that I really cant stand so decided to quit. Maybe I should take lessons outside. haha will see how (: okay then kerin fetched me home!

Fuck! tomorrow's java. Shit, im so dead okay :( anyway okay goodnight people. Love ya (: Oh! and for the first time ever in my life, Im gonna turn into bed all alone at home as mummy and daddy isn't back yet. Kinda scary i must say :O

Okay here are some of the pictures that I'm supposed to upload afew days ago (:

Kerin, jac, wt, keith & joyce (keith is super act cute please?)

Ms, jac, jer, sm

Ms, jac, jermel & forgot name girl! (Made 2 new friends Jermel & ... haha)
Ms, Sm, Forgot name, Jermel

The day 11/6 we went Zouk/Mos to club
Oh yes! this paragraph is for ting. Really thank God for her. She's really nice, always helping me, accompanying me and listening to my woes. We clicked really very fast even though its a wonder how she was 'Afraid' of me at first haha. Recalling back to the first week of school, we didnt noticed each other for the first few days as she was rather quiet and she thought I looked rather arrogant and unfriendly and that she wouldnt want to know a person like me. But according to her things started changing b/w us when she was laming around with Mayu with some cold jokes and when I heard it I was like WTH! so lame and I cant really remember what else did I say. And after afew days we started clicking tgt. Maybe cos she is rather hyper and crazy as me. haha. She's like maybe a little more retarded compared to me haha but I see the similarites. This girl has potential to be cranky LOL. But on a serious note, she's really one friend that I'll treasure even though we know each other for such a short period of time cos I can see she's really someone who is "REAL" unlike people whom I met in my sem 1 class. Anyway hey girl, please dont vent your anger on yourself or do stupid things okay. talk it out. Share with me. I cant promise I'll always be there, but I'll try. I'm one phone call away. Please do takecare of yourself too Love ya! oh and please stop hitting me, I'm gonna kill you soon I swear!

And I miss the bestfriend, VANDASEETOH :( she sucks la. Hopefully we are going out this friday :D

Hugs and Kisses, ♥

@ 12:49 AM

You'll always be a part of me
I'm a part of you indefinitely
Girl don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're never gonna shake me
Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby

Love this song, (Always be my baby by David Cook) my addiction for now. The sadness, pain, hurt, and anger and everything else is starting to drift away, I can laugh and joke with him now. Hopefully, it will all end quickly (:

Second day of school, still sleepy, I'm starting to get all high in class again as compared to yesterday. I keep sleeping in class. LOL the module today wasn't that bad. But I felt quite bad, cos due to my tiredness I didnt contribute anything at all. "JACCCCC is such a bitchh!" I better buck up, as of tomorrow I will and must contribute (: Anyway, nothing much about school today. Tomorrow's module finance & accting sucks :( After school, went to visit granny, I think I've been such an unfillial grandchild. Shall visit her more often. Played with my cousin just now some drum/guitar game. Damn fun okay! I wanna buy the whole set 300bucks So cooool :D haha then ate dinner there and Home sweet home

Oh btw, camwhore with Syb in the train today LOL. Finally after knowing her for so many months and being all close this year we have peektures tgt. I love you babe (: And she said "Hope we can be more close ah!" dunno how true la. But we click really well and everything be it crap, problems we share She's one cool babe. Thank God for her. (: My 2008 is def better growing close to you! Although half the time I make fun of you, but you know I still love you right? haha just love seeing your retarded reactions. LOL :D Oh yes, and my dear girl, please stop doing what you're doing can? tsk tsk! '

Did some camwhoring with others too (:

Alicia & me (:

W67R girls, we clicked tgt really fast <3>

Anyway, Had a really fun and exciting as well as scary " HEART ATTACK" day yesterday (Mon 16/6). LOL went out with my 2 lovely gf's and MY DEAREST GF, 'Francesca' rented a car and sha and me were her first time passengers. LOL She was like so afraid of everything as it was raining and all. haha She concentrated on the road like... okay nvm the expression was priceless haha! And she kept jerking and stopping at first which made me feel like throwing up, haha but aft that she finally decided to speed and it was cool. Okay la GF, not bad for first timer hahaha. Faster go rent again k (: Oh yes and when it came to parking, it was hilariously funny! Sha and me had to keep looking out for her and she was like just so scared. Damn cute la you!

Okay, so GF was really nice (: she came and pick me up fron school. heh and so we set off for cinie and ate long john there, then wanted to catch a movie but there wasnt any nice ones, So i suggested we went to Eastcoast park to cycle. Well, only SHA and ME cycled in the end, cos fran.... tsk tsk Shall not elaborate go figure out yourself why my lovely gf didnt cycle with us (: And after cycling for abt an hour, sha's and my ass got tired, so we headed to mac for ice-scream! It really was like an eating day ok, and after icecream and camwhoring, we headed to Simpang Bedok for supper HAHAHAHA! had prata which was really horrible. Cheese, plain and banana prata SUCKS! The cheese prata was like eating a rock ok and according to Fran, which made sha and me laughed like there's no tmr tasted like vegetable. What a description RIGHT? hahahhaa The pictured aren't with me though when dear gf sends me alr, then I shall upload. By then, I was already damn high and I kept screaming and shouting and talking nonsence and sha went "Shut up la!" hahaha think they really cant stand my nonsence sometimes. But I just love to self-entertain haha. Camwhore even more and then Home sweet home at around 12plus (: And I think such a kuku head like fran, who doesnt know the road directions waste petrol only, cos we kept going round and round in circles. Damn funny please! haahaha Okay, so that's the end of the fun day I had with them and definitely one HILARIOUS day. LOL

Camwhoring in the dark is rather nice (:

Random shot 1
Random shot 2


okay omg its 330am and I'm going to bed now. Someone would probably say I lied abt going to sleep after msn. hahaha But sorry I cant sleep so I just had to blog LOL Okay, there's dance tmr! ahhhh :O bound to be going home late again :( Okay goodnights world. Love ya (:
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Monday, June 16, 2008 @ 1:16 AM

I feel like taking a break from the life I lead, run away to somewhere far away, I think I'm about to hide somewhere for a day alone, off my phone so no one can contact me and just to think through everything. So if anyone of you cant contact me you know why. haha But on a serious note, I think I'm sick and tired of compromising to certain people how they would want me to act in certain ways. I keep giving in, knowing that's not what I really want or really am comfortable with it, maybe that's why some people take advantage of that, knowing I'll keep quiet. Well, I'm not saying that how I am now is fake and that I am just putting on an act infront of everyone but I guess how I react to certain stuff may not necessarily conclude who I really am as a person. Like I'm all 'HAHA& Retardedly high' sometimes and some people may think that I am really outgoing, daring and all but I guess when it comes to certain stuff I'm like such an idiot. haha if that's the word to describe it. (well, that's if you know me well enuf) So, I guess I have to come to terms with how I really feel deep down. Maybe one thing I know Im positively sure abt myself. People who doesnt know me can conclude something abt me or bitchh or hate me whatever it is! I dont care. Cos I love who I am and the minority who doesnt even know me wont even matter in my life! (For those of you who doesnt understand what Im saying, forget it! I just feel like ranting whatever that comes to my mind, so dont ask me abt it Thanks)

I told everyone whom I was talking to on msn I was going to sleep, Yet as I log off msn, I just couldnt fall asleep, staring around my room isn't of any help at all. Blame it on my used to alr sleeping at 5am onwards during the hols :( Screwed up body clock. haha But I know... I can't help to think abt certain things. Damn it! school's tomorrow. Sigh :( But can't wait to see the classmates though and other loves of mine (:

Anyway, I shall just sum up my weekend and head to bed. I think I'm so totally going to die at school tmr :(

Friday afternoon, went to Isaac's house and we watched this stupid show "Joshua" hahaha it was supposed to be a horror film but guess what? (OH! and we spend almost 20mins just deciding what to watch, ended up it just sucks!) I laughed more than I got shocked lol and I was going on and on about how cute Joshua is. But Some idiot claims that I was retarded and that I was a peadophile WTF! and then we watched (SHIT! I cant rmb what we watched?) Isaac! see! its so boring that I cant even rmb what we watched. haha YA! my point was I fell asleep man and when I woke up it was time to leave haha. And at the EZY movie thing, there was this fat man who made us wait for superdamnlong just to return the vcd -.- and I shouted at him but Isaac was like freaking "JACCCCC! stop it!" hahaha Told you I was always high :D But I didnt know how you came up with me being quiet in person! haha Anyway had fun with you that day (: LOL OH! and he wrote me a song, so sweet huhh? haha yes yes! I know nobody wrote me a song before so you're damn good la okay! Thanks anyway (:

After that headed to sister's place around there for dinner with Francis, daniel, keith, joycelyn, william and shawn and had a great chatting session (: I'm most probably leaving church end of the year! Sigh. oh well. I shall go deeper into church another day.

After dinner, I unexpectedly headed to MOS again :( dragged by Sathya and her 3 friends from workplace. Wayne, Arif and Shawn (sorry if I spelled the names wrongly!) I was like wearing shorts and teeshirt so sathya brought this top/dress for me and OMG! it was so short okay. I decided to wear my shorts underneath as I wasnt used to wearing so short before and I think I annoyed Sathya very badly, cos I kept pulling the top down non-stop and I kept telling her "Eh die la! so short wa lao eh! die la, how ah" hahaha and I forced her to go to the toilet with me alot of times and I kept fussing over it. I swear this was the first time I wore something I felt so uncomfortable in my whole entire life! Plus I was wearing haviannas and I looked superduper horrible, like the bag I was carrying was to go to the beach or something! And I just looked like crap. Thank God! I dont use makeup, if not it would be doubly worse. But after I was inside alr, I didnt bother cos it was pitch black! haha. Anyway I swear I wont ever go MOS again, its really urggghhh! The choice of music and the people Gosh! Alot of MATS think they very cool please, all wanna dance like they're so HOT! OMG! I really cant stand it. I turned away from at least 6 malays ok! the chinese ones also. Nvm! I shan't elaborate. haha but practically I just didnt wanna dance with anyone. I'm weird! And sathya was like "Go in the centre and dance go go! then people will buy us drink" GOSH! that girl is really crazy and she dances like there's no tomorrow. haha And I saved money for mac's breakfast! An angmoh paid for me hahahahaha (: He told the counter person "She's my 35secs best friend" (Nvm! inside joke) haha Anw more photos in Arif's cam, for now its sathya and I. We finally get to club tgt after saying for so long. hahaha Had fun with you babe (:

OMG! I think I've like so many things to blog abt that I'm really tired of typing alr, so I shall just type shortly and sweetly. So saturday I slept till 5pm and I went to rebond my hair at fareast! Sadly no peektures hahaha. The rebonding took me 4.5 hrs ok from 7-11.30? longest ever! I almost died. $98, weird though. the aunty told me it was $90 bucks over the phone. Oh well! then headed to Chijmes, Harry's to have dinner around there then home sweet home! And Sunday! Went to church, really boring :( then after church went for lunch and caught "The happening" with bt, dan, cj, shawn and jer. I really think I'm becoming like a boy! Cos I keep hanging around guys nowadays. Tsk tsk! Thanks to Vanda who have to work :( Sighhh miss you babe. Havent catch up with her since I dont know when. Oh well! yes missed her so much that we went to Suntec, IT fair to look for her (: Had dinner with bt at mac while the rest ate at Pastamania. Then bt and I had this 'question time, where each of us took turns to ask each other questions' LOL He really asked me some hard ones though. But it was a good secret time haha found out alot abt him (: Then Home sweet Home!

Okay basically that sums it all up! my weekend. Oh and dont watch 'The happening' It really sucks. OMG! damn boring. haha okay its 301am and I'm think Im really dead! sybil is up tooo Gosh! haha Nights! yay tmr out with the Girlfriends <3>

*Anw I think you should know who you are, seriously, Im not mad or anything, just thought u were a little absurd in what you told me. I've been in your situation before and I know how it really feels. If it hurts so bad and you cant take it anymore of what's going on in my life then please get on with your life and don't talk to me. I'll gladly move out from your life just to help you move on, if it means losing this friendship. You're always suddenly texting me geting angry at me for hurting you, I'm sorry for being so insensitive But what do you expect me to do? Maybe You shouldnt waste your time holding on to something so worthless. It's seriously not worth it. Go think about it, dont hang there for something that's so insignificant. You takecare then (:
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Friday, June 13, 2008 @ 3:52 AM

This is the book I've been reading over the past few weeks. Interesting & humourous. I've kinda gotten back the passion for reading alr. Gonna borrow more books when school reopens, Maybe Sophie Kinsella books (:

Anyway today is a Saturday and its already 238am and the post was too long so I had to continue it today.

Gonna blog abt myyesterday & today! (Wednesday and Thursday) Before I proceed abt my day today, yst was pretty boring until evening time and guess what I did when I was super duper bored at home? Like anyone else would, I camwhored! hahahahaha I was like thinking what to wear to club and I just conveniently went to my mirror to help me to lessen my boredom. Cool huhh? haha But I really liked some though. heh. Take a look! So I actually wore that to club (: (You can only see 1/4 of what I'm wearing though)

And I met Liankiat for dinner around Great World City. Ate hokkien mee which was quite tasteless and drank sugarcane juice which I hated lemon. But Lian Kiat claims that adding lemon is nicer -.- dunno whose drink is it? hahahaha and having not being filled, we headed to starbucks to eat this "Thousand something chocolate" cake haha and just chitchat about everything under the moon. LOL He told me I'm very weird -.- like I was the first girl he knew that he couldnt tell when I was actually sad as my actions doesnt seem to show. haha How does that make me weird I wonder. Oh and we were also debating abt whether some things you just dont have a reason for it. Well, true to a certain extent but it's still possible if you think, and I did prove him wrong (: haha. And when we were leaving, I saw fionna and Shihua, most probably going clubbing at Zouk. haha Its been so long since I last saw them and well, I felt like a hypocrite. haha shan't go into that. So ZOUK! Meishi
didnt wanna spent money on drinks at Zouk. So she brought absolute & coke along and we, 5 of us Ms, Sm, jer, this girl sorry forgot name and myself, Oh they're really very friendly people. Jermel is so cute la hahahaha (: but poor her, she was like feeling sick the whole night cos she said she seldom drank. Awwww. Hope she's feeling better now (: Continuing on, we sat outside around Zouk to play this "5,10,15,20......50"
game and apparently the person who called the number and it matches everyone who puts out the number, the person beside her had to drink! Well, so Ms was before me and she is pretty good at this game, which made me look kinda sucky. So She just kept winning & I just kept drinking. -.- What a fair world. haha And before I know it, I wasn't high, I wasnt drunk. I was just really nausea and my vision was blured. Guess what?!! I puked!
Yes I did. haha But i really wonder how do people get drunk cos I just cant. I'll just get all hot and red faced and head spinning as well as Puke! haha Yea, felt kinda like lame man, havent even danced and I was like all giddy. But after puking I felt alot better and Zouk was bloody crowded like we couldnt even move in please.
People there were like mad as well, Some random guy high 5 me. haha When We couldnt take the crowd anymore, that's when we decided to head to MOS (which I never been to before cos I'm not a clubbing fan only once in a blue moon and then I'll go) Yupp where Sm said was really nice for their choice of music and had more dancefloor. Wow and MOS is like a malay mat club. haha So we danced and danced and danced and This is the longest time I ever dance when I went to club. Think 4hrs straight. Told ya that's why my leg was numb!
But I've concluded that I hate MOS and I wouldnt really wanna go back there again if given a choice. And thank God meishi came along and danced infront of me. Cos she told me some retarded guy behind me kept looking at me and wanting to come over but Ms stared at them hahaha. Thanks for protecting me from those assholes LOL. We left around 4plus and just as I was abt to leave...he text me asking if we could meet for a little while
(he knew I was there as we were texting before that as well, for those of you who doesn't know who is he Nevermind!) I went to meet him and we chatted for a little while, but lots of things ran through my head from that short conversation and maybe I did made the right decisions abt some stuff. However, though I must admit, I missed him and was happy that I saw him but after seeing him, comes the really hard to cope part, where you start thinking of stuff at home and tears just dont fail to come out. My weakness was that I allowed him to know I still cared alot abt him and was feeling really fucked up on that very day. The very next night, I spoke to daniel abt him and felt so much better. Thanks daniel (: haha I'm gonna show him I'm ok alr and I shall stop giving in, hopefully. But who knows when the feeling will come back again.

Anyway, here's the Zouk pictures, only took Ms and Sm in my phone, the rest of the peektures are in Sm's camera which I'll upload another day (:

Anyway, today (thursday) is a really random day. But it was fruitful, even though I reached home at 7am having a spinning head & I almost felt like dying. HANGOVER! that's what they called it I think. Ate a panadol and went straight to bed. But had a little difficulty though, cos my legs were aching like crazy and my head just made me very very uncomfortable. I woke up at around 11 or 12plus that's when ting called me and I was like shit! I'm late. I was supposed to go school with the rest of the classmates to do PP. But I just couldnt as I felt really sleepy and my head was still gone case. Sorry ting for standing you up :( HAHA and then I discussed
with dennis abt where to meet on msn and also the interview questions and I went back to sleep. But it was a damn weird sleep cos I kept waking up every 30mins to check the time as I didnt want to be late for my interview and all tgt I slept another extra 1hour or so sleep. So I said it was fruitful, cos I did my PP interview today. LOL I didnt know why I was kinda nervous at first. Thank God I had dennis to accompany me.
Thanks love ya dennis hahaha. He's so nice helping me to ask and all when I was stuck. It was a great interview though. The Jon guy in charge was really nice and all so he made the interview easy. But I think I may have to go back to MG (Music Garage, that's where I did my interview) to take some photos for the report cos they dont have any pictures on their website. Anyway here's the website http://musicgarage.com.sg/ you people should check it out cos I think its a really cool music school and everything (: Found out that their prices
compared to other music school is much more affordable! So after the interview, met up with dennis and his tennis friends awhile (haha! dennis and tennis LOL) OMG! I'm so randomly lame please. OH! and dennis had a really cute friend who he says is Malay but in my opinion he is like a very "tanned" chinese lol. And he's 27yrs old. so whatever, just some eye candy I had for the day. haha. They are like super rich kids! Willing to spend 27 bucks on Sakura, this buffet place and I'm like damn broke haha so headed to find Boontheam and the rest at Suntec and ate pastamania, had 30% off cos shawn's friend working. After that I accompanied Bt waited for
Lander to knock off and we just crap until 11plus before we went home and that's how the day ended (:
I shall blogged abt Friday, Saturday and later on tomorrow! I gotta wake up at 9am and its alr 318am I rock (:
Hopefully I can wake up if not I'll miss church again which I dont want to. Havent been to church for at least 3Sundays alr and I kinda miss it (: Okay, goodnight world! Love ya (:
Hugs and Kisses, ♥