♥Thou Reminiscent Reflections♥

Thursday, August 21, 2008 @ 12:19 AM

Woww, 17days since I last blogged. Especially now, I'm working for some 'Guess Roadshow' job and when I reach home, I'm dead tired. Work has been tiring, but fulfilling. At least I'm earning some cash, better than nothing. Next week Comex, God please help me to survive man, I neeeeeeed sleep! :o

Anyway, I found out that Isaac is even more retarded than me, given that others say I'm rather cranky! haha butttttt you should meet Isaaac, but doubt he'll act insane infront of people he doesn't really know well. But oh well, I love his retarededness haha. Don't worry la okay, if you're reading this, dont worry baby, I wont get bored of you so easily la kay? hahaha I can't get enough of you. you is love huggs (: But I think that you still dont think that seeing each other is already really happy for me? (:

Anyway moving on, I'm convinced of changing church. Just that I don't know when to leave and where to leave to, so I shall just wait and see how it is.

okay, time to sleeeeeeep! nighs lovely people. (: and I misss alot of people.

Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Monday, August 4, 2008 @ 12:48 PM

One word to describe everything I'm facing
in life
right now, Dilemma. Everything has
to come so coincidentally. It feels quite horrible.
Too many choices, too many mistakes.
Maybe, I've gone too far away from God.
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Saturday, August 2, 2008 @ 8:41 AM

To love you when you're right
Love you when you're wrong
Love you when you're weak
Love you when you're strong
Take you higher
when the world got you feeling low

It is 845 am in the morning and I got awoken up by sleeping in a very uncomfortable position after the whole night, haha cos I fell asleep on my laptop! So after typing all these, I shall head back to bed, as I have dance at 12pm and would be out the whole day and end up getting very very sleepy. Yay! there's a BBQ later at aunty Joreen's house!

Anyway, yesterday was cool, kinda cool la, for celebrating Xinyan's bday! Sharon is sooooo sweet haha. But damn broke now and it was the first Friday that I've gone home so early considering it to be 1am, cos michelle had to leave as well. haha kinda boring though but I guess I was tired and ended up falling asleep LOL. The dinner at the indonesian restaurant, some riverside thing at clarkequay was not too bad la! $20 per person! and thereafter we went to some Sheeeshaaaaa place also in clarke quay (which I don't think I spelt it correctly) except we didnt sheesha, we went there for drinks and I chose the 1992 Harry's drink thingy. It was kinda weird but at the same time it was nice, weird combination. I must say Daryl was pretty weird, really damn weird since the last time I saw him do something crazy. I shall leave the details out, ask me if you want :D And so it was a good catchup with te W35A people. More of them to come during the holidays. Sybil! and you better come, if not I'll hate you as much as I can, leaving me yesterday :(

Yay! I feel so carefree now! my pp and ut's are over :D wheeeee I can do anything I like now until next semester starts. I know I haven't been putting enough effort especially for my ut's. Didnt study at all for most of them so it won't be very surprising when the GPA comes out. I shall just put in a hundred times more effort next sem, I swear! So you'll see less of me asking you people to go out already cos studies will be my priorities. HAHA omg! I sound like a study geek! oh well, I don't care (:

Okay, I can't wait for sunday, gonna have a picnic with my dear boy (: haha except for his kinda cool but retarded idea of going over is house at 6am in the morning to be his pillow. I don't even know if I can wake up laaaaaa? We'll see. Okay Love youuu baby (: Till tomorrow, then I shall see you again!

and I love the rest of you tooo, esp the ones I haven't been seeing which only half of them know this thing exists! I mis ya'll! haha and gonna see vanda later after 12 days, think its the longest record. okayyyyy! Shall stop writing here for now. Have a good day (:
Hugs and Kisses, ♥