♥Thou Reminiscent Reflections♥

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 @ 5:01 AM

5am in the morning. Omgawd! I was watching gossipgirls (A really great drama, yea I'm kind of slow in figuring that out.) And now when I've finished I cant sleep.

So many thoughts running thru my head. Blog hopping reading thru different people's life. Day in, day out happy moments, sad moments. Life seems to go in circle and it really sucks. I don't know what I really want. Maybe I know it, but I just am living in self-denial.

Am I really worth it?
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Monday, September 22, 2008 @ 11:04 PM

My other love besides Isaac who is also called Isaac LOL.
He's super duper cute la, likes to smile at me & looks away heh.

MoodCheck: Fucking pissed!

Okay! anyway my day was alright, pretty alright la, cos I had enough sleep till 130pm cos I didn't go to school. heh. Couldn't wake up. Okay I felt damn bad, like really damn damn bad. So I promise myself I won't do it again not until after the 6th week :(

Oh yes! Finally I also got myself a new pair of havanians the dark green metallic kind of colour after contemplating for God knows how long. But still kinda expensive, $40 even after the discount :( But well, I really love it. So that adds up to the list of the amount of money of about $150 which I acutally owe mummy :S Die la, die! Along with my other blog shopping expenses borrowed from mum. So there goes $150 off my pay from Guess & Comex :( which isn't really good cos 20% of it would actually go to CPF damn it.

I'm also getting a wallet this week, supposedly the one from Guess which is $75.90 :O and I just saw a Liz Clairborne one for $50 so I really don't know. Well I shall decide by this week and then it'll be yay! to my new wallet :D I've got other wishlists as well, I must say its never ending haha.

Okay, so as I was saying my day was pretty alright until just now about 1hr ago, my brother freaking pissed me off. I was happily watching my television when he came and fucking annoyed me by telling my mum "I'm not as spoiled as her!" (her referring to me) I swear I could have slapped his face at that point in time, which obviously I didn't cos I'm not so uncultured and I'll probably end up getting bruises all over my face, which is a very bad idea!

So all I did was scream ALOUD, (trust me, it was Damn loud so that he can hear it) "I swear I'm gonna burn his room down and his hair as well!" okay yes thats how pissed off I am. But once again that is an exaggeration cos I can't really do that right? So that leaves me with my blood boiling in me! FUCK! okay sorry just had to get it off me. UGH!

Adding on to my pissed off list, is this damned faci, who has already gave me 2 C's and is half the time super sacarstic and says things like "Please think before you speak!" Which apparently she likes to contradicts herself. Arrrggghhh! nvm I'm not gonna repeat myself with the whole story cos I swear I will shout at anyone who comes and talk to me now. Yes that's how angry I am! So I just emailed her by saying "Please THINK before you grade me!" along with other stuff. I just hope she can think man, gosh! It's not like I don't bloody put in any effort.

Okay sorry for boring everyone with my Angry moments. You can see how pissed I am okay JAC! Enough already!

On a happier note, I'm meeting Vanda to go out for a movie and shopping this Thursday after about 93456773days! I swear I'm really happy and it does cheer me up a teeny weeny bit after being so pissed! I bet she doesn't know I actually miss her "THAT MUCH LA!" I missed her so much that I ask her to hug me and made her do it on Sunday when she left which I normally don't do it! haha, okay soooo looking forward to Thursday just hope her dance practice doesn't suddenly come up!

I'm meeting so many different people this week, haha meeting fangying on wednesday! she says she needs to shop! okay which means I need to control my spending :(

Okay, Gotta go and sleep already its 1137pm! and I gotta wake up at 640AM! Okay this is random, but Isaac I think you rock at photography yay! I love you :D haha. And this is also so random but who cares? I so so so love this picture with girlfriend and I think its the best one out of all that shows me wearing specs! Sorry Old picture but I did said I was going to wait for gf to send me the ones on her phone! haha. Anyway this means I need new photos! Soon soon with fangying and vanda :D

Okay, I got UT tomorrow and I read thru both 6ps with LianKiat at vivo just now with understanding it as well! Just hope I can at least get a B. I'm praying real hard :D Okay goodbye earth Love you people!
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Wednesday, September 17, 2008 @ 10:53 PM

Decided to unprivate my blog (: But I may or may not private it back again. HAHA! cos I'm just not a person who loves having so many people knowing about what goes on in my everyday life.

Anyway caught Step Brothers with girlfriend today. I must say it was rather a not so fantastic show after all except for some parts which were funny. But a kinda sick show afterall. I'll give it about 2.5/5 stars. Anyway we went shopping too except that I did most of the shopping and now I'm broke :( haha and Risha, I miss you :D and especially Vanda Seetoh gosh! her dance revolves around her la :(

Decided to wake up early today to meet Isaac to go to school today (: Aren't I great? hahahha and sybil says its becos of the power of love LOL. crap la! And now I'm as usal waiting for Miss sybil, OMG! she's always making me wait for her cos of her stupid ws! Damn slow la, hungryyyyy like mad okay? and today's module suck big time some PHP coding module can die man! :(

And I think I actually do look quite nice in specs, but the one in gf's phone looks nicer. So I shall upload them when she sends me (: But too bad Isaac think it isn't really nice hahaha. Maybe I should go get the specs :D

Alright, I'm off to eat now :D yay! she's finally done. Goodbye world :D

Hugs and Kisses, ♥

@ 5:24 AM

"Advice is what we ask for when we
alreadyknow the answer but wish we didn't."
I think the statement above is really true and many times in our life we already know the answers we are looking for, but we dare not accept it and still continue on struggling. Countless times, I fall prey to that.

Time Check: 529am
Mood Check: Stupid sinus ruined my sleep and feeling like crap, Hours ago, day ruined. Clueless.

Okay, fuck la. Seriously. Oh whatever, I should probably stop swearing.
Thank God I don't have school today if not I'll be the 'girl with the heaviest eye bags in school' I'm not so lame as to stay up till this hour to blog some stuff that I feel like ranting out and quite insignificant, that's cos I tried sleeping hours wayyyy back but I ended up having sinus and used up the whole box of tissue and thus not able to sleep. So why not blog instead? And finally I finished doing my blog by my own effort thanks to the Webmultimedia module which I was never able to do so. HAHA! So what do you guys think? Except that I need help for the ending off part which I still don't know how to. Any kind soul would like to teach me? :D

Some photos with the girls which I haven't uploaded (:

Goodnight world, I'm off to bed with a very bad sinus :(
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Monday, September 15, 2008 @ 11:16 PM

I don't know why these few days I've the urge to blog so much. But when I actually do start penning down my thoughts, my mind blanks out. Some thoughts that can't be written down cos nothing seems to be coming out, or rather things that wants to come out don't.

At times, life has so much expectations of you that it is better off not expecting so much least you fail and get disappointed at the end of the day and at times you know certain things that's happening, but you can't really do anything abt it cos you don't know what exactly to do and all you can do is just to hold a doubt in you for as long as eternity. Well, that's life for you, once you make a wrong decision or an action it changes everything. I wonder did I even make sense in what I just typed. Even if it doesn't, I guess that's just what I feel and it is the best way I can type that out. haha It's just 'Me and one of my thoughts running thru my head blogging days' Oh well.

I really really hate school and I can't wait to get over and done with the IT modules. Ugh, damn depressing. I'm only looking forward to school to see people whom I enjoy talking to in school without them I think I'll be dead by now. Fuck it, I shall just head to bed. Nights world.

Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Thursday, September 11, 2008 @ 2:41 PM

Sometimes, just sometimes its really good to just
stop living for a second to die in ur thoughts & stop
being able to feel what you're actually going thru.

Love remains the same by Gavin Rossdale, this song introduced to me a few days ago is indeed really very nice. Haven't got the chance to get the song. So anyone out there if you've the song do sent me (: I know this is random, but i've the urge to unprivatise my blog. Haha will see how.

Had the chance to meet up with my Girls on Monday,
we had a great catchup. Definitely it was one of the days
since such a long time when I had a pretty good laugh,
thanks to girlfriend who was half the time the 'Joke' heh.

Wahh, so pretty la! haha

Some retarded photos HAHAHAHA! enjoy :D

And as usual, I think she's the most retarded la, hahahaha!

And know what I've noticed from all these retarded shots? There's only retarded shots of Risha and me, don't even consists any of Fran! She only take glamour shots la! that girl never once like to take retarded pictures of herself. Don't know paiseh what also? Urmmm yea she does take but hides it in her computer and never sent me any to show the world hahahah. Eh fran, please la. Chill abit! Learn to be retarded openly can? hahaha

My two favourite shots of that day, Damn cool la! :D

Anyway, yesterday I had no school haha and just nice, it was Isaac's and my 2nd month anniversary and we went rollerblading after him pestering me to go for a long long time. haha It was really cute watching him blade heh. After what happened yesterday I doubt he'll ask me to go blade soon again. hahahhaha then after that we had dinner at some Borsch restaurat(: Love you babbyy. Sorry for being so quiet sometimes.

Okay as for school, it really sucks esp for this module PHP! I was so happy when I heard that there isn't any Java this semester. But to my horrer php has codings to do as well -.- Damn it la! another 16weeks of confusion and boredness and wanting to die in class :( God, please help me man! I guess I'll have to do some revision and research on php this weekend sighhhh :/I've tried paying attention but seriously nothing is going to my brain man. How? Someone teach me can?!! yuikting! hahaha and I've got an awfully quiet class man :( sighh thank God for melody though :D haha It's already the 2nd week but still nobody's hyped up die la, so how can I ever be hyper. Really so different from W67R la. :(

And I'm reading this book by Lisa See now. 'Snow flower and the secret fan' Really a nice book, exciting and sad. hahahaha okay this is so random. But really it is a very interesting book. Go read it up :D

Alright I should stop blogging. Gosh! it has been so long since I blogged soooooo long with so many pictures. okay and school has ended long time ago. Goodbye world :D

There are just so many things that one has to face in life, I'm definitely part of this lifestyle. God, please give me a sign.

Issac's work, love it (:

Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Saturday, September 6, 2008 @ 6:53 PM

Sick, feeling way better now.

But it's not good to stay home the entire day, your mind wonders ALOT and it scares the hell outta you.

On a lighter note, caught 2 movies yesterday with fangying. Make it happen & forgetting Sarah Marshell. Two really great shows. It's been almost a year since we last hang out tgt doing stuff, although we're studying in the same school, we always didnt have time to meet. It was great catch up (:
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 @ 1:13 PM

3 weeks just passed like that. I dont' know if it was fruitful or not. But out of the 22days, I spent 12 days working. So yea maybe it was kinda okay, at least i'll have cash to buy things that I haven't been buying 'Clothes' haha. Through work, gotta know esther, regine and cynthia a little better. Regine's not as crazy as she looks though. But.... haha. As well as Darryl, Sybil & kaydence (one of my sem 2 classmate's friend) haha we slacked alot tgt. Got the chance to talk to darryl abit more, but sometimes I just don't get you... you know what I mean? hmmm but all is well now. Thanks for the mac that 2 days (: and that sybil is one indescibable kid, ask her to accompany me slack and she's like "Dont want la, later the boss scold" sybil! you damn re tarded la. Anyway Comex is really f.up cannot stand working there, okay maybe not Comex is the Eastgear company la. The girls there, I find are rather vain and bitchy (syb, you'll agree right?) haha work also must put fake eyelashes, so long somemore? Like seriously Wtf. la? okay i should probably stop swearing!

Okay, and I need to go on a diet I swear, have been eating like sooooo much, Now wed's i've no school! maybe i should take the chance to excercise like twice a week and stop eating so much! I should go back to my eat once a meal a day diet again (:

Anyway, really gonna miss some of the girls in W67R especially yuikting :( we must frequently meet up to eat okay hee hee! yes and mel's still in my class yay! haha

Anw, glad that everything's been cleared up. I realized that I didnt cry so much for someone before. Just hope that this last chance would work out. I love you alot.

Okay gotta end here. Shall blog when I'm freee (: Goodbye world!
Hugs and Kisses, ♥