♥Thou Reminiscent Reflections♥

Friday, October 31, 2008 @ 4:45 AM

I tried to sleep, instead, I lie awake staring and stoning. I know what I should do, but I dont cos everything seems too perfect. It never hurt that much.
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Sunday, October 26, 2008 @ 12:55 PM

Helloooo there :D Okay apparently, I didn't head to church again cos I well kinda intentionally/unintentionally woke up late. haha Well that's cos I'll be announcing my leaving of CP like pretty much next week and today they are gonna have some ministry talk, so I figured I might as well stay home right? :S Then thereafter it'll be visiting and visiting of churches non stop! It kinda feel sad to be leaving CP cos I never thought I'll reach a point where I've to do that. Sigh.

Okay anyway, caught up with my sexy people yesterday. Jasper, Steph and Vanda :D There was like a lot of bitching I must say and thereafter a lot of camwhoring at Dennis's pub where we played a game of "I have never..." as introduced by stephanie and some shocking truths were out. LOL cool game I must say and it gets pretty dirty. So if you wanna play, you have to be daring enough to tell the truth haha. And vanda and me sang some songs there too. It's been so long my friends, where we do stuff like that. And now I shall let the photos do the talking :D Really missed you people alot! Meet up again!

I really love this pic of them, I don't know why? haha

And thanks keith for dropping by to fetch us home. haha you rock :D cos of you I saved cab fare! LOL

Okay finally, I finished my pp poster and printed it yay! I just gotta go memorize the points for the presentation on Thursday hope all goes well. So scary la! imagine 3 facilitators infront of you :O Oh well.

Just now, I was looking thru some pictures of some people on friendster then suddenly I felt so depressed. Don't know why man. Haven't really felt like these before. I know you're supposed to love yourself and the way you look and blah, blah blah... But I still can't help it and I wanna ask God why doesnt he create me to be a little more these and that. HAHA okay crap la, Don't know why man. :( Okay nvm, i'm retarded!

And.... Hopefully Mummy will bring me buy my running shoes tomorrow so I can start running this week and lose some weight. I tell you I'm damn motivated! Yes! I will run, I promised and reach my ideal weight of 46kg. Okay try la, everything in life must try! Ok i don't know what I'm blabbling about.
Okay, time to go. Isaac's gonna kill me. Off to bathe :D cya soon! Love Love

Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Friday, October 24, 2008 @ 12:17 AM

Haven't taken a retarded photo for soooo long, LOL. Photo of the day! LOL

1. Had a great catchup with Kerin, Denise & Cly jus now (:
2. Decided to leave CP for good, Pointless in staying on
3. Will be intending to visit Hope of God!
4. Finally, cleared the air with someone (:
5. If you need a listening ear, I'll still be here
6. Gosh! It's 1225am and I haven't edited my pp poster which I've to print by tomorrow
7. I think I will at least sleep at 2am :(
8. Cos I'm still blogging
9. Messaged Isaac around 1hr ago, no reply :(
10. He's either asleep or playing Fable II
11. He's stupid new xbox game
12. Fable II is No. 1 Boyfriend stealer :S
13. Yes Isaac, good for you to know if you're reading this.
14. I repeat FABLE II is No.1 Bfriend stealer! Rarrw!
15. Damn happy, get to go out with the girls on Monday
16. Mind's Cafe, makes your minds goooo wheeee!
17. Finally catching up with Charmaine aft 100000days (:
18. Just like the old times on coming Saturday
19. Jasper, Me, Samantha, Steph and Vanda!
20. Feel like rebonding my hair, but nooooo.
21. I'm still blogging which is bad
22. Supposed to hurry edit my poster
23. Okay going soon after 7 more posts!
24. My pretty BF top just got delivered :D
25. Tmr is bloody PHP, freaking stoning time!
26. I hope I change group, don't like esp xx & xy
27. Sorry girls, tmr I ain't wearing blue/pink, cos I wearing black :S
28. My W66M class still as boring as ever
29. Even if I self-entertain it doesn't help. Yes that bad!
30. The weather is sooo nice, but I've to force myself to stay awake :(

Okayyyyy, done posting (: Love you people! Thanks for reading. Goodnights (:
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 @ 11:59 PM

I received your message today, I didn't know how should I react so I didn't reply. I know you do read my blog, so you'll probably know this is for you. I seriously dunno what's up.

Sometimes you're all nice, wanting to meet up and stuff and just being there as a listening ear and talking alot and the next when I see you in school? you bloody freaking just turn away when you can and act like you dont see me at all. This isn't the first by the way. The other time at the interchange when I offered to ask you to queue, you stare at me and walk away. I seriously don't know how should I react?

Yea, I do read your blog and if you're still angry at me for whatever way I treated you why do you still bother to text me after all these while? If you still hold on to that anger why do you still insist on continuing this friendship when I suggested not contacting is the best and this way it will be easier for you.

If everything is about pleasing God and you really wanna do that, shouldn't you not hold the grudges in you and when you see us tgt, shouldnt you just smile and walk away instead of showing a black face? I might as well act like I don't know you in future if that's what you really want.

When some people tell me how much they dislike you, I spoke up for you telling them once they know you better you aren't like that. Now I'm not even sure if I'm right. The attitude you're giving I totally can't comprehend. Maybe you'll say its just you. Well be it then. You might get offended or pissed after reading this, but I just wanna let you know its becos I can't act like I don't care abt that attitude and just to let you know. Maybe you can tell me what I should fucking do? You takecare then.
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

@ 2:53 PM

Glad that everything is alright now (: I hope that everything would be fine.

He finally cut his hair, hahaha kinda cool huh? I like la, really (:

I really love wednesdays! Start off the day feeling great, cos I get to wake up late, don't have to think about school and able to go out. Great huh? :D

I need to complete my pp poster! It's finally done. But I've got lots of touch up to do like edit, edit and more edit cos it's still too wordy and I need to finish up before Friday and print it for preparation next week for the presentation :( How? Thanks Isaac for helping me to cut down even more words (: But I still need to cut down :S I shall finish it by tonight I swearrrrr!

Anyway some randomness, I'm finally going to finish my "Snow flower and the secret fan" Book already :D yay! Its really a very interesting book and touching too. If you've the time, do check it out (: And recently someone went to submit me in some Hey Gorgeous contest thing. I still have yet to find out who is it? Seeing some comments over there is really indeed scary. Just hope no one deframes me over there :S

Okay I'm off to Isaac's house cos he wants me to play some NEW GAME that he just ordered. Don't know what's so interesting abt it also? LOL. Goodbye people! (: Love Love!

Here are some photos that I recently took. Enojoy (:

Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Saturday, October 18, 2008 @ 11:24 PM

When she told me, 3 years and the comparisons, all I can think is I'm fucking weak, yes I am. I can't even stop something. I don't know how to overcome it, its rather pointless.
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

@ 10:54 AM

Omg, Eeeeew horrible eyebags. Damn it! :(

Anyway, out with the girlfriend yesterday aft probably a few weeks to a month. Risha couldn't join us :( Hope you're feeling alright babe (: That girl shopped way more than me. haha We headed to the SMU flea market where she bought 3 things and I bought none. Aren't I good? LOL. I didn't really shop much yesterday, maybe cos I was carrying my laptop so I wasn't in the mood too, or probably I was too sick of shopping alr. haha

I managed to get 2 necklaces & 1 ring at diva and also a bra & sunglasses at club marc! yay! finally I've sunglasses hahaha. They were having a "Really huge sale" or at least that was what it was called. So as usual we camwhored, gossip, gossip and gossip hahahahha. It's really cool to go out with her cos there's the neverending nonsense and her retardedness. I remember she saying some retarded stuff yst but I can't recall. I should introduce her to all of you one day, then ya'll will know what I mean. LOL right gf? :D

And we went Clarke quay yesterday, decided to head there to chill and relaxed, cos its a long time since I've been there and that place definitely bring back memories. I told gf she would call me crazy after I told her something regarding ClarkeQuay and she really did. But I really can't help it, it kinda suck. (ok I bet none of you know what I'm blabbering about! nvm my gf understands :D) And suddenly on the bus ride home I wanted to write some stuff down on paper which I did. Okay not important!

So anyway I'm supposed to go tanning with the bestfriend, but I'm too lazy and I suggested going to some flea market! haha shop again! oh well. But she's replying like how my grandmother walks -.-

And Isaac is soooo busy but he claims its me. It seems like I haven't seen him for a very long time although I just did yesterday LOL. he and his busy photography competition tsk. okay hope he wins :D Love ya! Hurry call me when you finish! ok he won't be seeing this also so nvm

Alright! Finally blogged after superduper long. hahahha okay off I go! vanda's finally awake! Oh yes do remember to visit adoreandadmire.blogspot.com okay, selling stuff! yay! Love you guys :D

Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 @ 1:51 AM

  1. Its 159am on a Tues, tmr's wed (no school), that explains why I'm awake.
  2. If Isaac sees this, he is going to question me & then strangle me tmr :S
  3. Cos' I told him on msn I'm gonna sleep already but I haven't!
  4. Sorry baby! I got the urge to blog (:
  5. To everyone out there. I promise to blog more often okay, will come back with more pictures & words
  6. I really love my top and cap in the above picture, wore it to sch on Monday :D
  7. Everyone only know how to ask Why, Why I wear like that?
  8. Classmates asks why I wanna act jap? "I never okay!"
  9. Matthew, my classmate is in love with my bag :D yay!
  10. Love my new bag which I carried tgt with the outfit, but me, myself not used to my outfit also. LOL
  11. I've been selling stuff, go visit jac-liveandlove.livejournal.com :D
  12. You all better see, not I'll keeeeel ya'll understand :D
  13. My online clothes came today! I'm overly happy
  14. Cos' it fits perfectly and its damn nice (:
  15. Melody's as well. ok Duh! -.- she ordered with me.
  16. she better not threatened or call me my chinese name, if not I'll wear her top :p
  17. I still need to sell more stuff to get more money and buy more stuff, so please support jac okay :o
  18. I want to change my songs playlist on this boring blog, but I'm lazy
  19. okay I wanna blog about 31 things, cos got 31 days what! so I left another 12.
  20. Isaaac Lim, I miss you even though I see you almost everyday. you rock :D
  21. I miss alot of people but I've no time to meet them. Booooo! to that!
  22. People like vanda, dawn, jasper, fran, hunyao, maine, risha, chris, meishi, sybil, yuikting & fangying!
  23. aiya, sorry if I miss your name out if you see this tell me la, then i edit la? okay too many misses alr la!
  24. Tomorrow I gonna camwhore like mad but for a purpose la, to sell my clothes away!
  25. And Isaac says he want to cook me breakfast, dunno true anot?
  26. and he keeps asking me bake muffins at his house! okay la I don't mind
  27. Ehh! bloody hell my pp poster stil stuck, God help me la! Isaac also help me la
  28. Wahhh! today web app ut FUCKing hard. I die already :( Like really FUCKing dead, I swear.
  29. Read thru also no use, I hopeless don't understand anything at all. Yes I repeat! ANYTHING!
  30. Note* I'm not so uncouth anymore I only use FUCK twice in no.27 & tt's cos I'm very angry :(
  31. Its 218am and I've blogged abt 31things and I'm super tired. So off I go to bed :D

Sweet dreams to all my lovelies, thanks for reading love ya'll :D

Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Saturday, October 4, 2008 @ 1:51 AM

Right now, it feels like that. Am I missing something better?
I don't know, or rather I don't care.

Finally went to St. James to club after "A Gazillion years!" for the first time on Tuesday but apparently someone doesn't like me too :( Okayyy! But its not like i go once a week :( Vanda was there tooo :D It was really fun I must say, brings back memories; lots of them like dancing with some people HAHAHAHA (vanda if u're reading you should know who I'm talking about) and I really miss having fun with this girl. I reached home at 4plus until my misery started :(

Had been sick these pass 3 days. The doc says its gastrict flu and suspects appendiscitis (don't know how to spell it) I just highly doubt she's wrong, but the pain has been On and Off but def better now (: Thanks Isaac and mummy and daddy and grandma whose been taking care of me :D Love you people! But Isaac's the sweetest la still feed me porridge. hahahhaa omgawd! I sound so spoiled like a kid! Its just once la, everyone has their sick days too.

Okay being sick really sucks, nothing much can be done. So many things on my mind now. Thank God I did a little of the pp poster already and started on the Toddler's dance ppt but haven't studied for UT on Monday. God please help me! :( I feeel so stressed suddenly. Recently I even took up a pri 5 tuition and now her exam's nearby and I just got so many things to do. I really hope I wouldn't fall sick again and miss school.

On a happier note, I've finished Gossip Girl season 1. Can't wait to watch season 2 when Isaac helps me download. Thanks my dear :D

And hopefully Marie is feeling better now. If you happened to read this, Cheer up babe. If its meant to be, all will go back well :D You need to relaxed a little! Huggs:D

Goodnight world! Love you people! (:

Hugs and Kisses, ♥