♥Thou Reminiscent Reflections♥

Sunday, November 16, 2008 @ 1:22 AM

HAHA! Photoshoot at isaac's place on Friday! Its great fun modelling (:
Thinking of putting the word "Faith" on my wrist, but haven't decided on the font yet. It would look something like the 1st picture (: If any of you have cooler fonts let me know okay :D But then again, I wonder what will parents say about that?

Anyway, I've got 2 sudden fetish! One is leopard prints stuff and the other is a scarf with like a ribbon thing hanging down. hee hee, and somehow I love the leopard prints shoes from charles and keith! and alot of other leopard prints stuff, but kinda overated la. Was at Shaw House mac just now and vanda and I was just chilling and at least 5people walked past us with leopard prints stuff. HAHA! But still, its love la. I'm soooo gonna get these 2 things!

Anyway bought a top today at $2o, usual price $40 had a 50% discount you see, kinda cool la the top :D haha Tomorrow I'm gonna shop and shop also, maybe go get the shoes from C&K :D and also go Haji Lane with Isaac and take some photos maybe :D Eh! Isaac you still owe me alot of photos please from Dampsey one somemore. tsk tsk

Gotta study for SAD ut3 tmr, so shan't be going out till too late. Jac study study study hard! Hope I can at least get a B and above for ut man. Sigh! God help me :( I'm seriously gonna mug and mug till I get it in my dumb head!

Okay, nothing much to blog anyway, except met up with vanda just now after at least a month. Finally her exams are over and she wanna come pick me up after school. hahaha! We camwhored over 7o pictures LOL. shall wait for her to send me the cooool pictures and then I'll upload it. Had so so much fun together being retarded and she kept laughing at me for running after the bus -.- So much for being caring not wanting us to miss the bus. But oh well we did, and she claimed that I was runing so enthusiastically as if I saw a million dollars. What a great description! Okay I'm so dumb la, not only did we missed the bus, I looked stupid infront of everyone at the bus stop :O!!!

Alright, I'm pretty tired already. I shall head to bed for now. Goodnight lovelies :D Huggggs!
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Monday, November 10, 2008 @ 9:25 PM

Today's the 4th month, yet I acted like a total complete bitch. I don't know what has gotten into me or what the hell is wrong with me. I'm really sorry. I know I spoiled your day big time. I know I should have stop acting like an asshole but I didn't. Yes, you must be thinking what the fuck is wrong with me. I don't know. I had to cry on the bus to think straight and to feel better from all everything before I decided to apologize. Yes, I know fuck me. You've been trying to be nice and everything and recently I'm just mood-swinging. It's just one of my really horrible days. Maybe you should just continue being angry. Don't talk to me, that sounds like a great plan. Maybe you need a better girlfriend, maybe someone more worth it who doesnt have mood swings occasionally. I'm not the one for you. Yes, maybe thats what concludes it all.
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Thursday, November 6, 2008 @ 10:29 PM

I ought to be sleeping, but I can't
I've like alot of things on my mind now.
Just don't know where, when or how to start off.

So many unanswered questions in my head and maybe you're one of them. Reading your blog, pondering on your email. Maybe I should start replying your email although you said I shouldnt. But I guess this is the last time I would and whatever you want to reply, I shall end it there. Cos I'm really tired of the ups and downs of this friendship, the never ending clarifications. Just read the email and you'll know where I'm coming from. Then again, don't worry nobody knows I'm referring to you here (:

School's becoming more of a dread than an enjoyment recently! :( okay haha what a joke? since when have school been an enjoyment? Maybe it has like for awhile? LOL. I just hope to pull thru another 8weeks of school and I'll be jolly well happy for year 3. But then again, I'll be like so contradicting cos I don't wanna end my life in RP as I don't even know what I want to do after poly :(

Yes! Been working out in the gym, and tomorrow I'll be running around his house area. Damn damn damn fat! gotta lose some weight man :( Hopefully I'll be continuously motivated. people motivate me ok? If not I'll be like giving up really easily soon! haha Suppose to go to the gym tdy bu thanks to isaac I didn't! :( Okay I'm not blaming you la. haha

Nothing much to blog actually. Feeling kinda tired, very tired alr! Just glad that finally I can leave church to go to some place that I'll hope I'll grow. Haven't really decided to settle down in which church. Shall visit around before I make a decision. I've like so many places to go. Parents want me to go to Gladtidings! Denise wants me to go to Riverlife and I wanna see HopeofGod! Heard from Keith its really nice. I just hope that God will help me to settle down quickly and give me a place and I'll get back to him and rekindle the relationship once again. If any of you have any church you think its good do tell me :D Sigh. But kinda sad, will be stopping dance for awhile. No more dance ministry :( Feel quite sad that I'll not see aunty irene as often. She's really so sweet la. Miss you my mother in christ :D

Okay, time for bed. Goodnight everyone Love Love :D

Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Saturday, November 1, 2008 @ 10:51 PM

Sucks. One week of holidays so fast over :( But I enjoyed everyday of my holidays this week! And what's worst? The school welcomes me back with ut on tuesday Booooo!

Finally, went to the gym just now. Ran on the trackmail, tiring but fulfilling heh :D

Anyway, Those of you out there who are interested to buy Apple Products like Mac or ipod or whatever tell me k or also repair of your mac and stuff. There will be a little discount as well as free delivery to your door step cos my brotherrrrr ask me to help him promote. I don't even know why I'm being so kind to help him promote. when he's so evil to me Tsk -.-

Okay, anyway I should stop shopping online, bought so many stuff but either I can't fit or I don't like. I should stop wasting money!

Anyway here are some photos with my family that I took last Monday (On Deepavali) and was too tir
ed to upload it (: And also LIM FANGYING, if you read this, send me my photos la. See I cant blog :(

Went to Swensons for dinner, my treat which mummy has been bugging me about saying I work but never treat them and now I'm broke :(

Now I know I got my retarded genes from which parent. heh
Mummy's eye so big, mine so small :(
Awww! So sweet :D I love you mummy and daddy! sometimes only hahaha

Granny and aunty! Ahma so cute with her teeth. Damn cute la:D
Okay done ranting, now I'm gonna study a little of OS for ut and then head to bed. Gotta wake up at 615am tmr :( Goodnight world!

Isaac, I love you. Okay I bet you didn't regret reading this post dummy! Goodnight (: adn your photography rock big time but I rock more!
Hugs and Kisses, ♥