♥Thou Reminiscent Reflections♥

Monday, April 27, 2009 @ 10:24 PM

Just some random thoughts going on in my head.

Ever wondered how much effort you put into stuffs yet they only end up with results that disappoint you, how you trust someone or something so much yet they still fail you. How everything will end? How you know not to do something yet you still do it and end up you're the one getting hurt? How you try so hard explaining something to people yet they just don't get it, instead they get angry and how things will finally become? I guess disappointments aren't unavoidable but we still have to keep trying and trust God (:

Caught Fast and Furious with the BFF's (: Show is great, would rate it 4/5. Girls in there are rather hot! HAHA no cute guys though!

UT1 is coming up on May 21st --> Manufacturing UT :( Gotta start revising! Hopefully I'll get a B at least. wanna pull up my GPA. I'm even gonna print out sales management and marketing notes to study! Feeling kinda dull and stress lately. For FYP haven't even completed prototype and soon we're gonna do coding. Sigh really feeling extremely dry and tired, I really need some extra energy. Why do I feel like breaking down soon? Maybe its not cos of studies, totally hate the way I'm feeling now :( Oh wells, guess I'll get over it!

As for MC, thank God sales isn't bad (: Just launched Collection 10 "Back to School" Do take a look --> http://masqueradechics.livejournal.com/12008.html
Thanks isaac for helping us again, without him we're so dead :(

Alright, back to prototyping and reading of 6p's. Goodnight (:
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Monday, April 20, 2009 @ 9:59 PM

Its indeed how powerful saying a prayer before sleeping and waking up makes you feel really light hearted. And I started the day feeling really fresh!

I'm gonna make my life a fulfilled one from today onwards (:

Today first day of school was not too bad. Could understand what was going on and had fun with what I was doing. Though lesson was a bit draggy but I paid attention. Junfei and some new guy named shemeer said I look like this girl Christina and kept saying we really looked alike. WTH! haha I really dunno about that. Honxiang saw me and started calling me Christina too. Ya! Nvm After that, had discussion for FYP and rushed back for dance. Now I'm feeling tired, gonna read the bible and then head to bed soon cos school starts at 9am tomorrow. Shall sleep before 11pm!

My LV inspired green bucket bag came today! Love it (: So preety right? LOL

Ugh! MC's sales sucked recently, so dead. We really need a new collection but esther and I am so so busy. Help! Hope we are able to get stocks soon!

Really hope to pull up my GPA this sem, and with God's help I know I can do it (:

Alright, signing off! Goodnight.
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Saturday, April 18, 2009 @ 10:22 PM

Cause Lord only knows another day here's not really guaranteed

Was browsing some stuff online and came across the above phrase in a song by Alicia Keys "Like you'll never see my again" Maybe its God reminding me that indeed life is fragile and who knows tomorrow you or I might be gone and not able to live life to the fullest when we could have done it.

Hearing so many things about God coming back and all the signs that's recently been happening on the news is indeed frightening. But why do people still doubt there is really a God. Its so saddening. Seeing the way some people lead their life is indeed an irony The more they act out of line, the more attention they get, whereas people who belong to the "norm" gets all the reprimanding. Don't think many would get the idea of what I'm actually blabbering about. Well since its my personal space, you don't really have to get it.

So many times I've tried and failed, so sick of being a Sunday Christian so sick of just making promises on Sunday and back to my "Ungodly ways" in the week. So so sick of knowing what you ought not to do, but still doing it. I guess not making any promises is better isn't it? Growing up is a struggle, being a christian isn't an easier. Sometimes you think about it, its better to just be an ordinary person in the world without any faith. But I guess it isn't fair saying all these knowing God did pull me through in many situations and I know for sure he exists, if not I wouldn't be where I am today. Guess, I'm still figuring God out, or should I say figuring myself as a christian out.

I'll just pray for strength that one day I'll become who God wants me to be and it would be so easy living the christian life. I think its really time I wake up and act out my faith and not just be someone ordinary. I believe it will happen (:
Hugs and Kisses, ♥

Thursday, April 9, 2009 @ 1:57 AM

Yes. I've noticed 2 months since I've last blogged. Though it has been holidays for me but still pretty busy with the blogshop and other stuffs. (Btw, mailing list hits 400 :D ) For those of you who don't know, esther and me has a blogshop known as masqueradechics.livejournal.com and we'll be having a flea this weekend. Logon to the webpage for more details --> HERE Collection 9 is up too!

Would update more often once school starts on 20th this month. (Hopefully) Shuckssss, yupp that's another reminder for myself and everyone from RP. Yes! 20th school starts. On the brighter side, school starts at 10am every Mon and Thu for me. But FYP every Wed is just dreadful.

Time has been passing me by just like that. I wouldn't say the holidays wasn't fulfilling for me. Well in a way yes, but not good enough. There's just too many things to be done and I'm just great at procrastinating. One good eg. I'm suppposed to be finishing up my use case specs for FYP but nooo, just cant do it, I don't know how.

Faith; it grows on you

It has been so long since I last blog, so there's too many things to update. I'll just move on to whatever I'm planning to say. I don't like to blog too long, it bores people haha.

Just when school's about to reopen, I finally got myself a job. In need of serious cash. Will be working at GUESS again with the girls (: Currently am also involved in a jazz/hiphop dance too. Come support me k (: Have only been to 1 practice so far so unless I really suck, I wont want you guys to come. HAHA So you can see how busy I am.

Seeing how busy I am, I'm not feeling too good either. And this lyrics suddenly comes to my mind "How many times have I broken your heart, still you forgave if only I ask" Of all the people in the world that I'm supposed to spent the most time with, but I neglect him time after time. Now to think about it, its better not to make empty promises. Srsly its so saddening. Guess not many people can comprehend this issue. But what Darryl said is soo true either. When you love someone, you naturally will spent more time with that person and not obey for the sake of it which is an obligation. I'll guess one day I'll truly understand it and I pray it would come sooner than I know.

Isaac Lim, first of all you see we haven't been taking pics so I've to use such an old pic. Hurry take pictures with me. And cheer up okay? I know it did not happened to me but I do understand how you're feeling. I've really run out of things to say already. But you know its not like a huge setback. Its just one tiny setback and if you know you have done your best then stop fretting over it. Just start concentrating and go school everyday for the new sem and you never know a miricle might happened. Just put more effort okay and you'll surely suceed. Stop being a pessismist and asking what if you won't succeed in future. I believe you will and please have faith in yourself. You keep concentrating on your flaws no wonder you're always gloomy. You rock at photography and I always love my collections pictures cos you never fail to make them so pretty. You have great potential you just need to realised and find them. Lastly its not that you have nothing to prioritise. You have you have to sit down and think and be more disciplined somtimes okay? Like really stop skipping school! And lastly you know you can't depend on yourself to get through in life. You need to support me in future okay. So wake up. I love you (: Here's a lyrics for you to read:

"Every victory comes in time, work today to change tomorrow. It gets easier, who's to say that you can't fly? Every step you take you get closer to your destination. You can feel it now, don't you know you're almost there! Sometimes life can place a stumbling block in your way, but you gotta keep the faith. Bring what's deep inside your heart to the light. And never give up, don't ever give up on you, Don't give up"

Have been hanging out with these humans, Love them loads. Got closer to them after hanging out (SHOP AND EAT) LOL! They're one of the best class and people I've known in RP. Thanks Yuikting for the sweet video too. You guys rock :D Rosalind missing!

As for Esther Chong, you suck la. Hahaha! You know I love you. (: Well, wanna thank God for you for coming into my life I'm sure our friendship was planned by God. Having someone to confide in when I'm down with whatever issues and when I'm backsliding, you encouraged me and even offered to go church with me even when you went already. And alot more like me teaching you how to make a hole in Candle's clothes just to exchange. hahahhaa Compared to when we just know each other in W67R we just said hi and bye but ever since partnering you for the blogshop we've became so much closer and you're definitely someone I'll treasure. Stop worrying so much la okay? Huggs (: We're gonna be the next Charles and Keith LOL (and I must prove to Vanda that we're the first partners that wont quarell over our blog) hahahah.

Okay. I think I've blogged a fruitful post after so long (: Tomorrow FYP in school then dance at night. Sure to be a hectic day. Goodnight everyone :D
Hugs and Kisses, ♥